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Copyright notice: English texts on „integrative therapy“, „supervision“ and their „methods“ on www.fpi-publikation.de

Veröffentlicht am Montag, den 19.08.2019

Copyright notice: Upon publication in the online journal, all publication rights, and in particular those relating to translation, are ceded to FPI Publications Petzold & Sieper,, Hückeswagen. Even publication of extracts requires written permission.

Note to users:
The internet journals POLYLOGE, SUPERVISION, GRÜNE TEXTE, HEILKRAFT DER SPRACHE, and the online archives Behandlungsjournale, TEXTARCHIV, etc. publish articles and contributions, here in English, in the form of numbered individual texts (issue numbers) for each year. If authors publish multiple texts in a single year in POLYLOGE or others, their name will be followed by the year and a letter, e.g. Orth, I. (2001b).

Journals/archives are cited as follows: Author surname, first initial of first name. (Year, with letter if relevant): title. Town/city: publisher. At website address – journal name – sequence number/year. Issue number.

Example: Petzold, H.G. (2002b): Zentrale Modelle und KERNKONZEPTE der „INTEGRATIVEN THERAPIE“. Düsseldorf/Hückeswagen. Bei www. FPI-Publikation.de/materialien.htm – POLYLOGE: Materialien aus der Europäischen Akademie für biopsychosoziale Gesundheit, Naturtherapien und Kreativitätsförderung –  03/2002.

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