Materialien aus der Europäischen Akademie für psychosoziale Gesundheit
Eine Internetzeitschrift für „Integrative Therapie“
Ausgabe 19/2007
Laila Olsen
Summary: Integrativ Therapi – Experiences in Blå Kors Behandlingssenter for the Treatment of addiction
The subject in this paper is how to use Integrative therapy in the treatment of patients addicted to alcohol. The paper contains a description of how to recognize addiction and how to treat it with the philosophy and methods from Integrative therapy. The treatment is going on at an institution. The needs of the patients are; structure and support, to understand oneself and create meaning, connection and socialization, understanding and acceptance. The description of the needs is followed by choice of goal for the treatment, strategy and methods. At last we refer to experiences from Blå Kors Behandlingssenter, Eina and research from FPI/EAG. The conclusion is that Integrative therapy is very useful in treatment of addicted patients, especially the relationship between patient and therapist that comes out of processing diagnostic. Another positive element is the various amount of methods to dispose in Integrative therapy.
Keywords: Integrative Therapy, Treatment of Addiction, Treatment Goals, Treatment Practice, Treatment Center Blå Kors
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olsen-laila-integrativ_terapi_-_erfaringer_fra_bl_kors_behandlingssenter-polyloge-19-2007 [180 kB]